Vascular Procedures

Vascular procedures

Adventist Health Specialty Bakersfield vascular program uses the most advanced technology, including minimally invasive procedures whenever possible. Medical advancements in catheter-guided technology and imaging means that interventional radiologists, cardiologists and vascular surgeons can treat and diagnose a variety of vascular conditions without surgery. These minimally invasive procedures require only a small incision and are often less risky, produce less pain and result in a faster, easier recovery than surgical procedures.

Minimally invasive treatment options include;

Peripheral Angioplasty

Peripheral angioplasty refers to the use of a balloon to open and expanded a narrowing in either an artery or vein. Angioplasty is used in conjunction with atherectomy and/or stenting. Peripheral angioplasty can typically be perform anywhere in the body that has been narrowed due to plaque such as the legs, arm, kidney (renal) arteries or veins

Peripheral Stenting

A stent is a wire mesh tube that is use in conjunction with atherectomy and/or balloon angioplasty. It is use to keep a vessel open and allow blood to flow freely.

PAD information is great maybe use that as a starting point to all of the services we provide with Invasive treatment.

Rotational Atherectomy

A rotational atherectomy is a type of interventional coronary procedure to help open coronary arteries blocked with more calcified material and restore blood flow to the heart. This procedure utilizes a high speed rotational “burr” that is coated with microscopic diamond particles. It rotates at high speed (approximately 200,000 rpm), breaking up blockages into very small fragments (smaller than red blood cells) which can pass, harmlessly, into the circulation. Often angioplasty/stent is performed after rotational atherectomy to improve the results.

Directional Atherectomy

Directional Atherectomy is single direction cut that is performed to the vessel wall. It removes plaque thus creating a luminal gain and increasing blood flow to the lower portion of the leg (extremities). The device consist of a cup shape cutter with a housing unit to collect plaque. A balloon and/or stent can be used if needed.

Thrombolytic Therapy

Thrombolytic Therapy is a drug treatment used to break up and dissolve dangerous blood clots found inside your blood vessels. These blood clots can develop anywhere in your body such as bypass grafts, extremities, and pulmonary arteries. Your physician will guide a tube to the area of interest or through a patient’s IV and inject the medical over a period of time.


Atherectomy is a minimally invasive surgical method of removing, mainly, atherosclerosis from a large blood vessel within the body. Today, it is generally used to effectively treat peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities. Unlike angioplasty and stents, which push plaque into the vessel wall, atherectomy involves removing the plaque burden within the vessel. Increasing the vessel lumen by removing the plaque burden improves downstream wound healing, reduces claudication and pushes amputation levels more distal. While atherectomy is usually employed to treat arteries it can be used in veins and vein grafts as well.

Carotid Artery Stenting

(CAS) is an endovascular, catheter-based procedure which unblocks narrowings of the carotid artery to prevent a stroke. Carotid artery stenosis (blockage) can present with no symptoms (diagnosed incidentally) or with symptoms such as transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs, strokes). Hardening of the arteries, also known as atherosclerosis, can cause a build-up of plaque. In hardening of the arteries, plaque builds up in the walls of your arteries as you age. Cholesterol, calcium, and fibrous tissue make up the plaque. As more plaque accumulates, your arteries can narrow and stiffen. Eventually, enough plaque may build up to reduce blood flow through your arteries causing a blood clot or a piece of plaque to break free and creating a blockage to the arteries in the brain. may build up to reduce blood flow through your arteries, or cause blood clots or pieces of plaque to break free and to block the arteries in the brain beyond the plaque. Your carotid arteries are located on each side of your neck and extend from your aorta in your chest to the base of your skull. These arteries supply blood to your brain. You have one main carotid artery on each side, and each of these divides into two major branches, the external and the internal carotid arteries. The external carotid supplies blood to your face and scalp. Your internal carotid artery is more important because it supplies blood to the brain.

IVC filter implantation and removal

In an inferior vena cava filter placement procedure, Interventional Radiologists or Cardiologist use image guidance to place a filter in the inferior vena cava (IVC), the large vein in the abdomen that returns blood from the lower body to the heart. Blood clots that develop in the veins of the leg or pelvis, a condition called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), occasionally break up and large pieces of the clot can travel to the lungs. An IVC filter traps large clot fragments and prevents them from traveling through the vena cava vein to the heart and lungs, where they could cause severe complications or even death. Until recently, IVC filters were available only as permanently implanted devices. Newer filters, called optionally retrievable filters, may be left in place permanently or have the option to potentially be removed from the blood vessel later. This removal may be performed when the risk of clot traveling to the lung has passed. Removal of an IVC filter eliminates any long term risks of having the filter in place. It does not address the cause of the deep vein thrombosis or coagulation. Your referring physician will determine if blood thinners are still necessary.