Risk Assessment

Helping Women Assess Their Risk

The Women’s Heart Center at the Adventist Health Specialty Bakersfield is dedicated to helping women assess their individual risk of heart disease while providing therapeutic lifestyle recommendations to improve their overall heart health.

We offer an array of education, screening assessment and consultation services to increase awareness of heart disease among women. In addition, we help facilitate timely treatment by referring patients identified as having a high risk of heart disease to their primary care provider or a member of our cardiology physician panel for further evaluation.

Women’s Heart Assessment

The trained medical professionals at the Women’s Heart Center understand women’s heart disease. We work closely with patients to help identify and evaluate their individual risk factors, such as a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

We then outline care plans that take into account these risk factors and the various lifestyle changes that can help reduce a woman’s individual risk and foster a more heart healthy way of life. Screening participation requires a $25 out-of-pocket fee that is not covered by most insurance plans.

The $25 health screening includes:

  • Blood pressure test: High blood pressure or hypertension can make your heart work harder than normal and can cause heart enlargement and weakening. It also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Cholesterol screening: This screening is a good starting point if you have never had your cholesterol tested or is great opportunity to see if the lifestyle changes you are making are effective in helping to control cholesterol levels.
  • Cardiac risk assessment: This assessment can help determine your risk for developing heart disease and enable you to modify your lifestyle to help you live a longer and healthier life.
  • One-on-one consultation with a heart health expert: This will help you understand your results and help you determine steps to make healthier lifestyle choices.
  • A Heart disease risk survey and personalized report: This report is a tool should you need referral to a primary care or cardiologist.
  • Follow- up phone calls: We care that your questions are answered and will follow up to make sure your needs are met.We understand women’s heart disease and will spend time helping you understand your risk associated with the number-one killer in the U.S. Together we will create a plan to minimize your risk factors and help you work toward a more heart healthy lifestyle.
  • For more information or to schedule a Heart Health screening, please click here or call the Women’s Heart Center at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital at (661) 852-6200.